Toledo Neighborhood Guide
Reynolds Corners Neighborhood Map
Areas of Interest
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in development, Reynolds Corners offers a suburban setting that is still within the Toledo
city limits. With many open spaces, the neighborhood consists of several pockets of
residential area linked to major Toledo streets.
Most of the homes in Reynolds Corners were built after World War II, and more are still under construction. Housing architecture ranges from Craftsman, Ranch, and Split-Level, to NeoTudor and Prairie style homes. Full of open spaces, Reynolds Corners is host to several municipal parks. Rogers Park, on Hill Avenue, features baseball diamonds, tennis and basketball courts, and a soccer field. The Swan Creek Preserve Metro park, an area of unspoiled wilderness on the Swan Creek basin, is found on Airport Highway. The Inverness country Club is also located in Reynolds Corners off Dorr Street. Reynolds Corners is also host to the Toledo Botanical Gardens. Previously known as Crosby Gardens, the Toledo Botanical Gardens is a center for the arts as well as a picturesque 57 acres of meadows and gardens, featuring roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, and wildflowers. In June, the garden hosts the annual Festival of the Arts. Reynolds Corners is a booming area for many businesses. Reynolds Road, one of Toledos largest commercial strips, has many shops and restaurants lining the road. The Southwyck Shopping Center is just south of the neighborhood on Reynolds Road. Central Avenue, to the north, provides access to the Westgate Shopping Center as well as the Central Avenue commercial corridor. The Spring Meadows Shopping Center is just a drive west on Airport Highway past the city limits. With access to several major roadways, Reynolds Corners residents have a short drive to the Interstate system via Airport Highway (Route 2), making travel convenient throughout the metropolitan area. Reynolds Road connects to the Ohio Turnpike further south. Dorr Street provides access to the University of Toledo and the downtown area. Homes in Reynolds Corners average in cost between $60,000 to $100,000. With the introduction of many suburban apartment complexes to this area, Reynolds Corners also offers a wide range of rental options. Over 26,000 people live in Reynolds Corners, and their average household income, based on 1990 census data, is around $30,000. |